Written by Laura Hackett

Recently the LASAR team took their first steps back in-person at Canterbury Christ Church University, by taking part in the Vice-Chancellor’s challenge – an orienteering course around campus and the surrounding area with challenges to complete along the way.

We were particularly excited to try out our new ‘Discipline Wheel’ t-shirts (see photo!) ahead of wearing them to upcoming schools events in the near-future. The route even had us thinking about multidisciplinary answers to questions that arose as we walked through dense woodland, such as: ‘Why are mosquitoes attracted to some people more than others?’. Could it be biological (due to blood type or genetics), psychological (people’s perceptions of how much they are targeted by the blood-sucking creatures), geographical (how do mosquitoes behave in different countries or people groups), some other reason or all of the above?

Either way, there was a lot of itching and scratching by the end of the challenge! Nevertheless, it was a thoroughly enjoyable day and so great to be able to work as a team in-person once again. We look forward to continue to do so as campus and schools open up further in the coming weeks.

You can see photos of the day here